Good to know

Imporant information for your stay

  • The prices are quoted per apartment and day for 2 people with a minimum stay of 1 week. Otherwise we have to charge 20% supplement. Supplements per each additional person: children from 1 - 12 years euro 25,00 - 30,00  per day; 12 years (and older) and adults euro 30,00 - 35,00 per day. With a stay of 7 days final cleaning is included, less than 7 days or intermediate cleaning euro 40,00-50,00.
  • Visitor’s tax: 3,30 Euro per person and day (except for children under the age of 14)•. Public transport is inclusive.
  • Breakfast-Service in your apartment on request. Adults euro 23,00 children euro 17,00. Special Service: Freshly baked rolls delivered to your door!
  • Pets: If you wish to bring your dog, please let us know in time. We charge euro 25,00 per day. Dogs are not allowed in the outdoor pool and sunbathing area.
  • At your day of arrival the apartment will be at your disposal from 2 p.m. on. Please make sure that the apartment is free at 9.30 a.m. at the day of departure.
  • Reservations are binding. Should a confirmed stay be delayed or prematurely cancelled, we have to charge the total invoice amount of your stay.
  • Laundry (towels, bed linen and dish towels) will be at your disposal and changed regularly (free of charge).
  • Our house is situated very closed to the village centre but very quiet (shopping facilities 50 m). It offers you every comfort you desire: elevator, common room, wireless internet access in each apartment, outdoor swimming pool with ample lawn for sunbathing, table-tennis and car-park.
  • For cancellations within 60 days before the day of arrival, 70% of the total package price must be charged. In the event of cancellation within 14 days prior to arrival, no-show, late arrival or early departure, the booked days will be charged in full. To protect yourself against possible cancellation fees, we recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance.
  • Covered bicycle parking with charging facilities.
  • New from 2024: charging station for electric vehicles.

You will find further information on your holiday stay in Scena here: Tourismusverein Schenna. See our ranking and even more information and pictures here: Holidaycheck. Please take advantage of our enquiry form. We will be happy to make you an offer without obligation.

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